There has always been a lot of debate as to which snake holds the record of being the biggest snake. Anacondas have more often been considered the largest snake because of its huge dimensions. It is the biggest snake also because of its mass and weight. The other largest snake that comes nearest to it is the Asiatic Reticulated Python or scientifically known as Python reticulates.

This drab pattern enables the snake to easily blend with the wet, dense vegetations of its habitat. The sides have similar spots with yellow centers. There have been a lot of stories going around that the biggest Anaconda would probably be more than 40 feet, but such stories and reports have not yet been proved. Specimen's bigger than 35 feet have never been captured.
Anacondas of such huge size are termed as cryptids. Anacondas of such huge length are extremely rare to sight. Instead stories of such big anacondas devouring animals and human beings are found more in films and stories but in real life they are probably extremely rare.
European colonisers and explorers as well as natives are reported to have first sighted the biggest anaconda's measuring up to 60 feet (18 meters) long in the dense jungles of South America. The Wildlife Conservation Society in the early 20th century onwards offered a large cash reward for the delivery of any snake (live) of 30 feet or more in length.
The prize has never been claimed despite the numerous reporting and sightings of giant anacondas. There has also been several surveys carried on in Brazil but those found are no where near to the claims of the biggest anaconda found.
There have been several claims about the biggest anaconda found. A colombia petrolium expedition in 1944 claimed that they have measured an anaconda 37.5 feet long . A scientist named Vincent Roth claimed that he had shot a Anaconda 34 feet long. Percy Faucett, an adventurer made a tall claim.
The biggest Anaconda found by him measured 62 feet from nose to tail. Faucett claimed that he had shot the Anaconda. A historian named Mike Dash has been severely criticized by critics because he said he had sighted Anaconda's ranging from 100 to 150 feet. Mike Dash supported his arguments with the help of pictures but pictures unfortunately do not have scale. There have been so many claims and counter claims that it is difficult to ascertain the biggest Anaconda snakes that have been sighted. It could range from more than 30 feet to 150 feet.
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