July 5, 2015

All About Feng Shui Money Trees

A feng shui money tree is an indoor plant used in order to attract prosperity and wealth into any space. The feng shui money tree's botanical name is Pachira, and its care requires the average sun light and watering that any other indoor plant would need. Its height can reach to as much as seven feet while it can reach to be as much as three feet wide.
The shape of these plant's leafs represent the five main elements of feng shui, wood, water, earth, fire and metal, and this is what makes the feng shui money tree so symbolic. When an element is missing, or the elements in a space are not balanced, a feng shui money tree would help adding what is missing harmonizing the elements.

Ways to Distinguish a Spider Bite

Woke up one morning and notice swelling on your body? While you would know that you have been bitten by a spider if you actually see one, sometimes you might get bitten by one during your sleep. So, how do you determine that you have actually been bitten by a spider and say not any other insect like wasps and ants? After all, swelling can occur even when an ant bites you.
Knowing the difference
Spider bites can be quite similar to bites and stings by bees, wasps, ants and other similar insects making it a little difficult to distinguish a spider bite from others. Use these ways to distinguish a spider bite from any other bite.