July 5, 2015

All About Feng Shui Money Trees

A feng shui money tree is an indoor plant used in order to attract prosperity and wealth into any space. The feng shui money tree's botanical name is Pachira, and its care requires the average sun light and watering that any other indoor plant would need. Its height can reach to as much as seven feet while it can reach to be as much as three feet wide.
The shape of these plant's leafs represent the five main elements of feng shui, wood, water, earth, fire and metal, and this is what makes the feng shui money tree so symbolic. When an element is missing, or the elements in a space are not balanced, a feng shui money tree would help adding what is missing harmonizing the elements.

Ways to Distinguish a Spider Bite

Woke up one morning and notice swelling on your body? While you would know that you have been bitten by a spider if you actually see one, sometimes you might get bitten by one during your sleep. So, how do you determine that you have actually been bitten by a spider and say not any other insect like wasps and ants? After all, swelling can occur even when an ant bites you.
Knowing the difference
Spider bites can be quite similar to bites and stings by bees, wasps, ants and other similar insects making it a little difficult to distinguish a spider bite from others. Use these ways to distinguish a spider bite from any other bite.

June 30, 2015

Fight Type 2 Diabetes At Any Age

Type 2 diabetes affects 18% of adults in the US, and numbers in kids is rising. It is also a big concern for our growing senior population. More and more people are being diagnosed with it each year.
The best cure for type 2 diabetes is prevention. If you already have diabetes then this article is for you! We will be covering the best ways to fight against Type 2 diabetes and possibly reverse the effects.
No one thing is the cause of diabetes, it happens from a combination of factors that are interconnected.
So to bring the body back into balance we have to treat it as a whole. The common treatment is medication, but that will not reverse the problem. To fix the problem we need to correct the problem within each cell.

A look Inside the Human Body

Radiology is the technological side of medicine responsible for the imaging of the body's internal organs. Radiology has developed recently to also include treatment of some life threatening diseases.
Radiology is an area of medical science that involves the diagnosis and inspection of conditions in the body via the use of electronic imaging. This is a great way for us to be able to see what is going on inside the body in great detail without having to cut open the patient to see the inside of his/her body, which can be potentially very dangerous and risky. It is far simpler and quicker to use imaging and often more accurate as well because, you can inspect the many different images as closely as is needed until the condition can be identified. Radiology can also be used to treat certain conditions as well, which is again far easier than having to cut someone open to perform surgery on them and is also less risky.

Biggest Anaconda Snake Found

There has always been a lot of debate as to which snake holds the record of being the biggest snake. Anacondas have more often been considered the largest snake because of its huge dimensions. It is the biggest snake also because of its mass and weight. The other largest snake that comes nearest to it is the Asiatic Reticulated Python or scientifically known as Python reticulates.
Anacondas in the jungles of South America are considered to be bigger than the Python snake. The debate regarding the biggest anaconda found has not been resolved yet by crypto zoologist or zoologists. However, know that a fully grown anaconda snakes can easily kill a tiger or a crocodile.

Facts About Snakes

In the previous section I covered the history of snakes, how they got to be what they are now. But what are they? How do they live their lives, where do they live? This is what I'll address in this section.
Snakes have a long, narrow body. Their internal organs are made to fit their long and narrow body type. Snakes have only one functioning lung, so it's vital that their environment is clean and not polluted.
An interesting fact to know; to find out how many "vertabreas" the snake has, you can count the number of belly scales. Usually there will be a new scale for each vertebrea. It's jaw is evolved so that the snake can swallow prey many times its size. The bottom part of the jaw is not locked together, as it is in most other animals, but it can be separated into two parts. This way its mouth can open up, swallow the prey, and then pull its jaw together again. When the snake does this, it looks like it's yawning, opening the mouth up wide and shutting it again.

Trapping birds beautiful story

Although this was a very small bird (a sparrow? I'm not good at bird recognition), the Florida birds I'm most familiar with are the larger shore birds. We live next door to a wildlife preserve, 487 acres of inland waterways, walking and biking trails, native plants, small animals and birds which often make their way next door to our area.
Every day, we can feast our eyes on blue herons, roseate spoonbills, white egrets, wood storks, ibises, ospreys, hawks, cormorants, pelicans and (sometimes) eagles resting on our lawns or fishing in our man-made lakes that are stocked with fish. When I walk in the late afternoon, I often take binoculars along to get a better view of the birds that are just out of eye sight. I never tire of watching them.